How to Compost with Bokashi

Dit event is al geweest. Kijk op voor actuele voedselevents in en om Amsterdam!

The city of Amsterdam burns all of its organic waste. But why add to the emissions when instead you could return the nutrients from your food waste to the soil?

Composting is not without its challenges, but it’s an excellent feeling to turn your organic waste into something productive instead of throwing it out. Plus, it's a very useful skill to have. Composting is something of an art, science, magic, and climate action all at the same time. It can even save you money!

In this skill-sharing meetup, you'll be introduced to Bokashi composting, which ferments food waste before returning it to the soil.

How is Bokashi used while living in an apartment, and what can you do with the fermented food waste. They will also give some tips on how to deal with the second stage after the fermentation.

This meetup is for anyone who would like to find a way to compost kitchen scraps - either to produce compost for your own garden or purely for climate reasons. The focus is on the urban composter!

What to bring:

Your kitchen scraps in a box or bucket, appropriate clothing. They have gloves.

What to Expect:

Hands-on activity

Working with new people

Activity is outside - so be prepared for the weather


Meeting at Kaskantine and Introduction

Theory behind Bokashi Composting

Making Bokashi Compost

For more information, click here!

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13 augustus

14:00 - 16:30
Handbalstraat 1,
1062 XK Amsterdam
Event website »